12 Jul 2011

Other dogs

After owning 2 unfriendly terriers it is such a joy that Noodles loves the company of other dogs. He is not particularly picky, everyone is a potential pal and is greeted with real enthusiasm. He always seems so crestfallen when he meets a dog that is not quite so keen on him.

One of the first dogs we met on our evening walks was a Golden Retriever called Paddy. Paddy is rather old and ambles along quite slowly, enjoying life at a leisurely pace. I always know if Paddy is out on a stroll at the same time as us because Noodles starts tracking him along the pavements, speeding up until we're running full pelt to catch them up. He also starts squealing and yipping until we're within sight. Paddy and his owner seemed quite bemused as to why Noodles was so keen to greet them. At first Paddy just used to sit down and let Noodles jump all over him for a few minutes. Both dogs seemed happy with this arrangement and we would then continue on our separate journeys. Occasionally now, we walk together round the block and Paddy  increases his pace to keep up with Noodles. He has also started leaning his head on him a bit and Noodles' back is often covered in drool. I wish I had filmed Noodles' first encounters with Paddy as he seemed so desperate to spend time with another dog. I wonder if he misses aspects of his old life, such as being surrounded by other dogs in kennels?


  1. Noodles
    I suwe wish I lived close to you because I looove othew doggies too and we could be such gweat pals..I don't think you miss youw old life, you'we just a happy , fwiendly woofie and I think it's wondewful.
    I'm so glad you have a lovely pal in Paddy
    smoochie kisses

  2. You may never know ... but one thing is for sure ... Noodles has landed in a family that cares and loves and tries to understand. For what more could he want? Especially when walks with Paddy are something to occasionally look forward to!

    Lucky pup!
    That's what we think,
    Jake and Fergi

  3. Pippa is a friendly dog too. And yes, it is odd when you have had dogs who aren't so friendly. Doubt he misses his kennel life at all, like Asta says, he's just a lovely friendly dog.

  4. Noodles you are such a lovable character, we can understand why you want to have loads of pals and why they love you back.

    Maybe one day we will get to meet you?

    MOlly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

  5. We think it's great that you're super friendly, Noodles! We wish we could meet nose to nose on a walkie!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  6. Another Paddy pal? Hope you haven't forgotten our Paddy - he really likes Noodles too! Glad Noodles likes doggies - now you can relax on your walks and not keep looking out for 'potential problems'. Maybe Noodles should be an assistance dog? He was great with our Paddy too! Lots of licks

    Sally and Paddy

    PS Can we come for a visit soon?

  7. Anonymous20 July, 2011

    I missed this before. Like people, our dogs like different dogs and don't like others. I'm glad your Noodles is such a friendly guy!

    On your recent video, who are Jody's peeps?


    (I'm posting anonymous to avoid the blogger do-loop)

  8. Thanks all :)

    Joan, Jody the Welsh Terrier belongs to my groomer Lou.

  9. It's so neat Noodles likes other dogs. Makes life so much smilier. (No such word but who cares?)
